So this morning when I was quietly contemplating life in what better place then bed, a bee flew in my open window. Now for starters my room goes out onto a balcony so it has a sliding door. It also has those ugly vertical blinds too which were closed to stop some of the light. So this bee, which was one of the largest bees I've ever seen, hits the blinds and kinda flys along them for a bit. Then it proceeds to turn around and knock itself repeatedly against the window. Whats with flying creatures and this activity? You don't see dogs or cats or any other land based animal repeatedly knocking themselves against glass. Why must flying creatures always hit windows? I doubt I'll ever know that one, but it is amazing, watch them sometime. So this bee is banging against the window quite loudly and its interupting my deep thoughts (Just for the record my thoughts aren't that deep) so obviously I have to watch it. So this is what it does, for about 2 minutes it flys against the window, now I have a headache just watching it so I can imagine how its feeling, so I try to help the poor thing. Thats when I start yelling at it to move to its right. Yes in retrospect it was rather foolish to yell at a bee, but it did work. So the bee flys a little to its right, now at this point the window is open so it can just fly out, but oh no not this bee, it actually turns around right before its about to fly out. So now its knocking itself against the blinds instead. So for about another 2 minutes it does this. Then suddenly it finds a crack in the blinds and flys into my room. Now this thing is huge, and the loud buzzing noise is quite loud in my room. So i decide to help it out some. So i pick up a book and wack it out of its misery. I figure I'm just eliminating the dumbest bee in the hive. He probably has a hard time getting out the little hole in the bottom of the nest. No really I just wacked it out the window and it flew away. But really, how do bees fly out that little hole and not have any problems. How do they navigate around a park and to mulitiple flowers and yet still get back to their nests.? How do birds circumnavigate the entire world? Yet all of these amazing feets of nature can all be blocked and overcome by a simple pane of glass!! Sometimes lieing in bed pondering life can make you realize just how lucky you are. Yep it makes me realize just how lucky I was not to be born with wings.
can't they just smell or sense where the pollen is and that's how they navigate....
I want wings (said in a whiny voice)
Are you sure you don't have wings?
What! No annonymous comments! I love leaving annonymous comments, that way only the truly gifted, and wise know who I am. And then of course people like you, Neil, who do not allow anonymous comments.
I don't allow annonymous either!! hehehe
Neil, my cat banged into the sliding door and then backed up and tried again. Twice!! When we finally opened the door figuring it would help her out she was at a full speed towards the door and ended up right off the balcony!! We looked down to see her just get up and run away. It was hilarious.
Glad that happened to you because I would have ran away. I hate bees. Oh, and welcome to the blog world.
Mysty your cat may have wings. you might want to look into that. And if I knew how to allow anonymous blogs I would. Maybe I'll do that just for you Rosey
it's in your settings format Neil.
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