Saturday, April 23, 2005

The Bee came back the very next day

So thats right, the bee was back this morning. I'm not sure what its doing, but oh well my life goes on. If he comes back tomorrow though I think I might have another word with him.
So I'm at work today, so is Susy. Unfortunatly she's working out in Abbotsford and I'm out in Vancouver. Kinda hate these four day work weeks. Its funny how at the start of a relationship you want to do everything with that person. 5 years down the road I wont be able to wait to go to work. Some of you guys are laughing because your like "5 years! I was tired after a year!" Or less for some of you others. And trust me I've been in some of those relationships too. Couldn't wait to get away from the person. Had no care if I saw them that day or not. But not Sus, I miss her. I know cheesy right? Girls are thinking "ahh how cute". Guys are like "Ahh man he's totally whipped." And what ever you may think it doesn't really matter. It doesn't change the fact that I miss her. I miss her smile, I miss her love. How is it that you go all your life alone with out anyone and do just fine. Then you meet someone really wonderful and you can't do anything right. Example, this morning I got up and checked my emails, there was one from Sus. And yes it made me smile, big time. So there I was smiling and thinking about her. I won't tell you what cause thats just too cheesy and I do want to keep up some sense of a macho persona. So I'm thinking of her and I go to get ready for work. So I lather my face with shaving cream and start shaving, the whole time thining about her, you know wondering how her days going, stuff like that. Then it dawns on me, I just shaved half my face with my toothbrush! Yes thats right people I shaved half my face with it. I'm telling you this now and laughing but man this morning I was so embarassed for myself. I mean what kinda idiot is so 'twitterpated' that he shaves his face with a toothbrush. How is it that for the last 13 years or so I've managed to shave quite successfully without any problems yet now I can't do it? So ladies..... cute?..... No! Guys...... Whipped?.............. NO! Everyone one else............. dork? ........... yes! Ok thats my rant for now. Missing you Sus


Blogger Michelle said...


And just for the record Rod and have been together 8 years!!(OH MY GOSH!! Now I feel really old) and we still don't like to be away from each. Everyone kept telling us the day would come that we couldn't wait to have time alone...we're still waiting.

9:01 PM  
Blogger Miss-buggy said...

I agree Michelle.
Neil... I hope you didn't proceed to brush your teeth with that toothbrush!!!

9:29 PM  
Blogger Neil said...

9:37 PM  
Blogger Susy said...

you so did didn't you babe (brush your teeth with that toothbrush, that is).
I miss something pretty improtant in my life... wait... that's you :-)
*sigh* i miss you too

6:47 PM  
Blogger Melody said...

i'd say cute. and i agree with misty. i hope you threw that toothbrush out. congrats on starting your own blog!

2:44 PM  

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