Thursday, January 05, 2006

Argh... What was I thinking?

Ok I don't know what I was thinking today. Once in a while I decided to take the skytrain to work, normally on days where I'll be done around 5:00 pm and don't want to sit in traffic. Unfortunatly sometimes I forget that sitting in traffic in my own truck is a lot more enjoyable then riding a skytrain. First they make you pay $3.25 each way. Not too bad but then you get on the train and its like riding a bull. It shakes and wobbles all over the place. And you have to sit in these hard seats that by the end of your bull ride your ass is so sore you can barely walk. And then the even more painful part is it adds an extra 1/2 hour each way onto my commute. To sum it all up for $6.50 a day I add an extra hour onto my commute in the hardest seats on the bumpiest ride of my life. So I ask again, what was I thinking?


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