Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Has it been that long?

So I'm finally sitting down to say something. I've been fairly busy as of late with work and that. Both Susy and I hadn't really had a day off to speak of. We did enjoy Sunday off, which was a first in awhile. We spent it seeing her family and friends then off to see my parents in the evening. Not my friends thought, I don't have any. No thats not true I do but I've somehow managed to sneek in some visits in there.
Last night I went to bed around 0400 (thats AM for those of you that have no idea what the 24 hour clock is) because I have to work four overnights in a row starting tonight. This morning I wake up at 0800 thinking I had to work. This means I've worked way too much lately, its time for a break. Ironically all that work was my vacation. I do have more coming up though, the end of the month I think.
So my roommate, Shawn, announced to me that he's going to be moving out at the end of July. Originally he said June but changed it so I had a little more time to think about what I wanted to do. I still don't really know. I have two viable options. One is a short term move so its actually sounding like the more likely one. Its not where I want to be but it will save me some money. So I may live there until the new year or something and then move out to Abby. I dread that drive from Abby to Vanc but I figure I only work four days a week downtown and all my friends are out that way, and most importantly Susy is out there and once she starts school in Septemeber even I'm not going to see her much unless I'm close by.
I'm also in the thought patterns to start looking for a new job. The convention centre where I work isn't going in the direction I agree with and I figure instead of staying on there and being miserable I should move on. I love the job, I love what I do, but management is taking the wrong direction I think and already its made my job a nightmare. So yeah I guess lots going on in my life right now in the thinking department. I said to Sus a couple of months ago that I wanted a change in my life, I felt I needed to move and needed a new direction in my job. Guess I felt all this coming or something. Oh well, if theres one thing I've realized in my life its that 'it all works out in the end.' So I won't loose any sleep over it, but its still there.


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