Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Crazy Idea #157

So in all the years in the event industry I've done many weddings. I thought I knew everything about them. I knew what to expect on the wedding day and how people can react to news on their big day. One of the things I've learnt now with our wedding is all the crazy ideas people come up with before hand. Some of ours have stayed and will be part of the wedding, others got the boot right away. Crazy Idea #157 is one of the staying ideas. I don't know which one of us came up with the idea but I know it started with just a simple arbor to stand under and give off a little shade. Well that simple arbor (I think that was Crazy Idea #5) has grown into a deck and arbor. It's almost half a gazebo actually. After discussing the idea we decided to go ahead and build one. We sat in the back yard at Jim & Rosey's and looked at what we could do. We eventually agreed on a size and Jim, Jimmy and I started pooling our ideas on a design. On Sunday Jim and I started putting in the supports, with Jimmy's supervision and guidance of course. Two days later we're ready for deck boards. Actually it was more like 10 hours maybe that we worked on it, which I'm actually quite proud of how much we got done.
After we finalized plans last week I was just itching to start. I couldn't wait. The project has actually given me some bonding time with Jim too. So far so good. (I know he's going to read this so I won't tell you the bad stuff. I'm kidding) I've decided that Jim and I are a lot a like. Apparently Susy is marrying her father. Jim and I both seem to be the kind of guys that don't think that our ideas are always the right ones, it's more like we just want our ideas to be the ones picked. It's kind of like in school baseball, the picking teams part. We're not the first ones to be picked but we just don't want to be last. It's great actually we stand around talking about how to do something and throw ideas back and forth. Then normally we go with Jimmy's. Lol. (He is the supervisor after all) Some might think it's unproductive the way we work but I actually think we get more done because of it. I knew Jim and I would get along cause it does seem that we like the same kind of things, mostly tinkering, building and swimming.
The 'deck' also makes me feel like I'm contributing to the wedding. Susy seems to be all over things and has them all worked out already. I'm kinda leaving those things till later but she wants those stresses out of the way, so we both have a different time line on them. It's not that I don't want to help, I just don't have any idea yet what to do. The deck is kind of my project in that way. Its me doing something for our wedding so we don't have to worry about it later.
Well hopefully with our work schedules we'll be able to complete Crazy Idea #157 this month. I'll post a picture of it then. And Dad if your reading this if you'd like to come join in the fun too give me a call. It would make it that much better to have you help too. We'll make it a fathers/groom event.