Its a bird! Its a plane! Nope its a bird
Ok lately my job has gone to the birds. It seems the last two days in a row have in some way involved birds. On Monday I rescued a baby bird that had some how managed to find its way inside our lobby at the Convention Centre. I tried first coaxing it down with food, that didn't work. So I called for a ladder. Got right up beside the little fella and tried to offer it a bit of scone. Got it right under his nose and then he flew to a higher tree. Since he was out of reach I decided to shake him up a bit. He then flew across the lobby and landed on the up escalator. So I gave chase. I ran up the escalator but he had already reached the top and started flying again. But he just flew ahead to the next escalator but he tried to land on the hand rail which he didn’t like that it was moving so he fell between the two escalators and slid down the middle. He hit the stop button pole at the bottom and flew to the feet of some woman who was standing 5ft away. Now how this lady was totally oblivious to what was going on is beyond me but I tried to tell her not to move and it’s just a bird no reason to panic. Well you guessed it, she panicked. So the bird takes off again. I've almost had it there too. But now he’s on the down escalator heading back towards our lobby. But I manage to corner it on a stair and it settles in my hand until I release it in a tree outside. You can see pictures of that on Susy's photo page at Ok now yesterday again with the birds. We get a call from Canada Place (CPC) staff asking for our assistance on one of the outside decks. We (myself and 3 security guards) go out there and find CPC trying to corral a mother goose and her 5 little ones. Ok I know I've seen this scene before on the FOX network "when animals attack". Lucky for us she didn't attack us and somewhat cooperated until wildlife control showed up. Let me tell you geese are not happy campers when they get caught. They're not exactly in control of their bowels either. But in the end we gathered up the 5 small ones who by this time are fleeing for their lives and they were all taken to be relocated in a park. The things I do at work.