Friday, April 29, 2005


So I know I haven't said much as of late. I've been busy with work and then when not at work hanging out with Sus. Haven't had much to say as of late and even now I'm searching for something. I do a million things a day and do you think I could just remember one of them, nope. Oh wait I do remember breathing once today. Does that count? So right now I'm breaking one of the unwritten room-mate codes. "Thou shall not steal one anothers food." Come on, his macaroni looked way better then mine. He won't even notice, as long as Sus doesn't tell him. She so is now.
So I can't cook. Never have been able to. I've been known to ruin even macaroni. Oh I can follow a recipe for something I guess, but not very well. Just add egg to muffins I'm pretty good at. I've made a full course turkey dinner twice before but it was instant stuffing. The funny part is I was a chef in school. I ducked out of all the cooking though and became the garnish chef. Let me tell you I'm pretty good at that. I can even make a pretty mean melon centerpiece for those summer picnics. But I can't cook. Never ha a talent for that I guess. Speaking of which what is my talent? ................ Mmm think I need to go ponder that one for awhile. But first, I think my water is boiling over. Stupid macaroni.......

Sunday, April 24, 2005


So in my line of work I've done and seen some pretty amazing things. I've met some amazing people as well. Everyone from the Priemer to the Prime Minister, The President and the Queen. I've met kings and Princes of countries I didn't even know existed. Rock stars and superstars. Every day is a new day and new challanges are faced. That I think is what I love about my job. I love it that each day is different, each day even has a different client. Some weeks your lucky and you have the same client the whole time. Those ones often become like family. Some from years ago still email me and often send Christmas cards and gifts. Its a crazy job in a crazy industy. The thing is that every client comes through and always by the last day is exhausted. There show could be 3 days long and their just bushed. By the end of it their draggin their feet and just not all there. Now heres the funny part, One of my jobs is to say goodbye to the client. And for the most part I'm always on hand when they leave. So they drag their feet out the door complaining about how tired they are and we wave goodbye. Then as soon as they're out the door I turn around smile at all my staff and say "all right folks, lets clean up and do it all over again!" It never stops for us we never have a chance to sit back and pat ourselves on the back. On the floor of a large convention center there isnt any time for that. Its go go go or nothing would get done. Susy can understand this, she gets to see it. It takes a crazy breed of people to do what we do, and we love to do it.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

The Bee came back the very next day

So thats right, the bee was back this morning. I'm not sure what its doing, but oh well my life goes on. If he comes back tomorrow though I think I might have another word with him.
So I'm at work today, so is Susy. Unfortunatly she's working out in Abbotsford and I'm out in Vancouver. Kinda hate these four day work weeks. Its funny how at the start of a relationship you want to do everything with that person. 5 years down the road I wont be able to wait to go to work. Some of you guys are laughing because your like "5 years! I was tired after a year!" Or less for some of you others. And trust me I've been in some of those relationships too. Couldn't wait to get away from the person. Had no care if I saw them that day or not. But not Sus, I miss her. I know cheesy right? Girls are thinking "ahh how cute". Guys are like "Ahh man he's totally whipped." And what ever you may think it doesn't really matter. It doesn't change the fact that I miss her. I miss her smile, I miss her love. How is it that you go all your life alone with out anyone and do just fine. Then you meet someone really wonderful and you can't do anything right. Example, this morning I got up and checked my emails, there was one from Sus. And yes it made me smile, big time. So there I was smiling and thinking about her. I won't tell you what cause thats just too cheesy and I do want to keep up some sense of a macho persona. So I'm thinking of her and I go to get ready for work. So I lather my face with shaving cream and start shaving, the whole time thining about her, you know wondering how her days going, stuff like that. Then it dawns on me, I just shaved half my face with my toothbrush! Yes thats right people I shaved half my face with it. I'm telling you this now and laughing but man this morning I was so embarassed for myself. I mean what kinda idiot is so 'twitterpated' that he shaves his face with a toothbrush. How is it that for the last 13 years or so I've managed to shave quite successfully without any problems yet now I can't do it? So ladies..... cute?..... No! Guys...... Whipped?.............. NO! Everyone one else............. dork? ........... yes! Ok thats my rant for now. Missing you Sus

Friday, April 22, 2005


So this morning when I was quietly contemplating life in what better place then bed, a bee flew in my open window. Now for starters my room goes out onto a balcony so it has a sliding door. It also has those ugly vertical blinds too which were closed to stop some of the light. So this bee, which was one of the largest bees I've ever seen, hits the blinds and kinda flys along them for a bit. Then it proceeds to turn around and knock itself repeatedly against the window. Whats with flying creatures and this activity? You don't see dogs or cats or any other land based animal repeatedly knocking themselves against glass. Why must flying creatures always hit windows? I doubt I'll ever know that one, but it is amazing, watch them sometime. So this bee is banging against the window quite loudly and its interupting my deep thoughts (Just for the record my thoughts aren't that deep) so obviously I have to watch it. So this is what it does, for about 2 minutes it flys against the window, now I have a headache just watching it so I can imagine how its feeling, so I try to help the poor thing. Thats when I start yelling at it to move to its right. Yes in retrospect it was rather foolish to yell at a bee, but it did work. So the bee flys a little to its right, now at this point the window is open so it can just fly out, but oh no not this bee, it actually turns around right before its about to fly out. So now its knocking itself against the blinds instead. So for about another 2 minutes it does this. Then suddenly it finds a crack in the blinds and flys into my room. Now this thing is huge, and the loud buzzing noise is quite loud in my room. So i decide to help it out some. So i pick up a book and wack it out of its misery. I figure I'm just eliminating the dumbest bee in the hive. He probably has a hard time getting out the little hole in the bottom of the nest. No really I just wacked it out the window and it flew away. But really, how do bees fly out that little hole and not have any problems. How do they navigate around a park and to mulitiple flowers and yet still get back to their nests.? How do birds circumnavigate the entire world? Yet all of these amazing feets of nature can all be blocked and overcome by a simple pane of glass!! Sometimes lieing in bed pondering life can make you realize just how lucky you are. Yep it makes me realize just how lucky I was not to be born with wings.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

What to say?

Ok so now for my first, or is it second blog, I'm not really sure what to talk about. Yes I suppose I could talk about Susy, and tell you how wonderful she is, but who wants to hear about that cheesey stuff? Lol I love you Sus. Or I could tell you something about her to get her back for the whole cleaning my nails blog she did, but nah I'm not that mean. So what else is there? I could complain about how much money I just spent on my truck, but again who wants to hear that, especially on my first posting. Nothing really that exciting has occured today. Oh maybe tell you some things about me. Yeah thats what I'll do.
Well for starters i'm a 27 yr old male. I'm bald. Hey no jokes now. I work here and here I do basically the same job at both buildings although Tradex is only my part time job. Don't ask me what I do because its really hard to explain. But, contrary to popular belief I do work. I live in Coquitlam, and I play where ever theres a sandbox. I like long walks on the beach and snuggling by the.....oh wait getting off subject there. So yeah if there was something else you wanted to know go ahead and ask, I have nothing to hide. Except that one thing, but I'm not telling. Ok thats all I got. I was never any good at describing myself. I figured if you didnt already know me then it wouldn't be long before you did.
So there you have it folks, my first blog. I promise others will be way more exciting. Trust me, amazing things happen to me through out the day. I once even walked into a wall. That was a good day.

Honey I'm home!

So it seems to me that everyone, ok really only all of Susy's friends, are blogging these days and I'm not. So with the assistance of Susy I started my own. Obviously I'll need some continued support from her to learn how to do things but none the less here it all starts.

So ladies and gentlemen, with out further ado, I give you, The Ramblins of Neil......................